
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

how to do legs workout?

How to do Legs workout?

Too many men worry about working the upper body to look pretty or intimidating but the real work and benefits come from hammering the legs with strength and speed and jump training. The legs are the foundation for a great athlete.

Leg training builds the powerful foundation needed to excel in almost all sports and in real life for functional fitness. Training legs is brutal and is the reason the upper body is trained more than the lower body.

How tough is leg training? Ever throw up doing bench presses? I never did as a matter of fact I threw up only one time in my life during training and it wasn't from sprints or calisthenics; it was after a set of 20 rep squats.

Leg training builds testosterone and really accelerates fat burning. Years ago I was an upper body trainer thinking training legs would make me slower, I was wrong. However, training with heavy squats, dead lifts and power cleans never equaled speed it actually seem to slow me down my legs actually felt heavier from the slow training.

The reason I was slower is because the squat, dead lift are traditionally slow-moving exercises. The power clean is a speed exercise if done correctly but most trainers do not do it correctly it looks more like an explosive reverse curl.

It wasn't until I started training with explosive bodyweight movements and speed training and dropped the slow strength training that my body started to become athletic again and my legs felt lighter.

This goes against all research but switching from slow training to more speed and explosive training my body aches started to go away and even knee pain and I had three knee surgeries.

Short explosive training is not dangerous; it's the slow training that injures people. How can that be? In real life, in sports and any functional fitness the body always moves in an explosive manner. We never think about movement until we train with weight; any other time we just react.

Train slow, and your body will get used to it and when your body needs explosive movement you will get hurt. Try this leg workout; all you need is small bench. I use a 12" stool and a jump rope.

Jump rope 50 times - jump up and down on the bench 10 times touching the ground with your finger tips each rep. This forces you to squat lower using more legs than your back.

Jump rope 50 times - 10 jumps for 20 rounds non-stop. Total jumping rope 1,000 times and 200 box jumps go for 20 minutes.

Toughness Builds Winners

Thanks for reading!

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how to loss fat

How to loss fat?

Not much people are aware that you can get rid of excess body fat by weight training. And certainly they don't know how to do it the correct way. There was a time that weight lifting was associated with building muscle mass, something for underground bodybuilders. Times are changing and all respectable fitness trainers would agree with me "no fat loss plan without weight training". Just like anything you do in your life you have to take action but if you have the right information you are already a big step further.

Cardio and good nutrition are not enough

Having a good nutrition plan and doing effective fat burning cardio training exercises are vital for your fat loss success but it is not enough. Ninety five percent of diets fail because you lose muscles and lean body mass. You absolutely need muscles to burn fat off. Weight training is not only the best but also the only way to keep your muscles while you are dieting. You don't read this too much in magazines or on the internet simply because it takes effort from your side and easy and fast sells more. Weight training is essential for a fat loss programme but training like a bodybuilder is not necessary unless you want to become one.

Your time and weight training

Whether you like it or not weight training will "cost" you time. But today everybody is very busy and run out of time fast. Even the most successful people on earth have the same 168 hours in a week just like you and me. People who are lean and stay lean have made training a priority in their life. You always make the most time for the most important things in your life. For some people this is television, reading and for other fitness training. Some people are setting their alarm clock at five a clock in the morning this way the can make time to work on their lean body and on the other side they have still time enough to do their jobs and to spend time on their family an friends.

Training duration and reps

An ideal weight training workout should last between thirty and forty five minutes. Doing workouts longer than an hour is not a good idea at all. Long workouts exhaust your endocrine and nervous system. It is recommended that you don't train more then two days in a row. Recovery is very important when you are building muscle mass. Your muscles don't grow during the workout but after the workout but only with the condition if you give them enough time to recover. If you are a beginner start with three training days a week, intermediate can do one day more but even if you are advanced it is not wise to train with weights more then five days per week. I could easily write another ten articles on repetitions alone. But a common rule is if you train with weights to lose fat as your main goals then an amount between 6 and 12 reps is recommended.

I'm sure this article has answered your question on how to lose fat by weight lifting. Keep in mind losing weight training is not "the" solution for your success if you don't combine it with proper nutrition, motivation and cardio it is worthless.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

how to maintain 6 packs abs.

How to maintain 6 pack abs.

There is a muscle called the Transverse Abdominus that acts as a stabilizer to the middle part of your body, located right behind your abdominal muscles.  If you’re not familiar with this muscle, sign up for the military, your drill sergeants will be very aware of how to make it sore.  Drill sergeants love exercises that involve the Transverse Abdominus because when this muscle is strong, your back and stomach are strong.  In order to obtain 6 pack abs, this muscle must be strong.

The Focused Crunch – Do not mistake this exercise for an abdominal crunch.

Put your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet should be firmly on the floor.Put your hands just below and to the sides of your belly button. Press a couple fingers from both hands into your lower abdomen.Begin by drawing your lower abdomen down towards the floor but do not move your pelvis.  Your chest should rise slightly.Stop drawing in your stomach as soon as you feel your muscles begin to tighten. The muscles underneath your fingers should feel tight. If you move too far, you will stop working your Transverse Abdominus and begin stressing your oblique muscles instead.Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds while breathing normally.If this exercise is new to you, do ten to twelve repetitions increase repetitions as needed, but please be cautious the first time you do these or the next day you will be very sore.

Scissor Kicks – A drill sergeants favorite

Put your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet should be firmly on the floor.Place your hands under your buttocks and raise your head off the ground.  If your head is not raised, the exercise loses its effectiveness.Raise one leg about 12 inches off the ground and slowly lower it back down.Start with three sets of ten to twelve repetitions, increase repetitions as needed.

The Modified Plank- This is a tough exercise, proceed with caution.

Start in the push-up position with your palms on the floor and toes on the ground.  Your back should be straight and your feet should be hip-width apart.Raise one leg as high as you can and then to a push-up.  Switch legs and repeat.Start with three sets of ten to twelve repetitions, increase repetitions as needed.

Those three exercises and a proper diet will get you a defined 6-pack.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Importance of nutrition for workout training.

Importance  of  nutrition  for  workout   training.

Daily training is very important   things  for life, its help you to take advantage  to  make life  better and healthier.

1- 2 hours  of  powerful  training  needs 22 -23  hours  of  nutritional support  along  with  rest
and  recovery.  both  are  indispensable for  shaping  body  composition.
If   you  follow   proper  instruction  and  nutrition  advice   you   can  maintain   your   body   like professional  body  builder  too.

Nutrient   refers   to  substances   in  the  food  which   give  energy  to  the  body  and    help   in functioning   and  overall  growth  of  the  body.

Nutrient   are  needed  by   the  body  to.

   supply  energy  to perform  all  daily  activities.
   Help  in optimal  functioning  of  body  system.
   Help  to  maintain,  strengthen  and  grow  active  body.

FOR EXAMPLE :  A   Car   needs  fuel   to  run ;  similarly  the  body  needs  nutrients   to  function.

Nutrition  shapes   our  body. "we  are  what  we  eat"  .  The  entire   composition  or  make - up
of  our  body  comes   from  our  nutrition.

Nutrition  complete  the  effect  of  training.  Exercise  training  ( such  as  weight  training )  act  as  a
stimulus  or  trigger. training  jump - starts  the  process  of  changing   the  body  but  only  the  correct  nutrition  can  actually   change  the  body.

protein requirement

Thursday, 5 March 2015

How can I make my cardio burn more fat?

How can I make my cardio burn more fat?
the purpose of cardiovascular training is to improve the working of your cardiovascular
system, not to burn fat. in fact, the following attempts to target greater fat burning during
cardiovascular training can lead to muscle loss, rather than fat loss.
Cardiovascular training for prolonged duration, such as more than 1 hour to burn more
● this does burn more calories but lead to increased protein use for energy and prolonged
muscle breakdown for energy, which does not stimulate muscle repair.
● After weight training, muscle repair is simulated due to the powerful muscle breakdown
(microtrauma) caused by the overload on the muscle. this acts like a powerful 'cut' or
'wound' damaging the cell and forcing the body to repair and heal.
● However , the muscle breakdown for energy during cardiovascular training is too low- grade
for the body to feel the need to repair. it may be thought of as scrathc to the body. but the
body is still damaged by repeated scratching without healing.
● thus the muscle breakdown during cardiovascular training ( without repair ) result in
muscle loss, this lead to a lower BMR and reduces calorie - burn and fat burning at rest.
● it may be said that, attempting to increase fat burning for just one hour of the day
(during cardio) can result in reduced fat burning for the rest of the day (due to lower BMR ).
Cardiovascular training on an empty stomach, when the body is depleted of carbohydrate so
that it burns more fat
● it is true that in the absence of carbohydrates, the mobilization and use of fats for energy
is faster.
● but there is also increased use of protein for energy, leading to even greater muscle breakdown.
● The result is greater muscle loss, leading to lower BMR and reduced fat burning at rest.
Cardiovascular training deliberately at a lower intensity of 60-65% of MHR ( maximum heart
rate ) to burn more percentage of fat.
● Training at a lower intensity (such as 60_65 of MHR) does burn greater percentage of fat
but it also burn lesser total calories (and thus lesser quantity of fat)
● It is also of lesser benefit in increasing cardiovascular endurance as it a smaller challenge

protein Needed for Men and women

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Carbohydrate quantity required for everyone.

Carbohydrate quantity required.

The only role of carbohydrate is energy.
energy required of a person depends on BMR, i.e. the amount of energy (calories)
required for body's basal metabolic activities
Hence , the quantity of carbohydrate needed depends on the person's BMR; i.e. a person with a low BMR needs less carbohydrate, and a person with high BMR more carbohydrate.
A fat loss client is typically an endomorph (or endo - mesomorph ) with lower BMR, has a
lower energy uses and so needs lower carbohydrate quantity.
1)Total quantity required for person.
carbohydrate is needed only for energy. As discussed earlier, the quantity of carbohydrate needed depends on BMR.
The BMR, energy used for the body's basal metabolic activities.

● in fat loss - an endomorph with low BMR needs low carbohydrate quantity.

● in muscle gain - an ectomorph with high BMR high carbohydrate quantity.
2)The Fitness goal.

●fat loss - Carbohydrate intake should be low so that the body is forced to burn fat for energy.

● Muscle gain - carbohydrate quantity should be high so that protein is not sacrificed or wasted for energy.
in both fat loss and muscle gain diet, the total carbohydrate quantity is calculated based on the total protein quantity required in the diet. For example.

1) Fat loss diet (low in carbohydrate).

● total carbohydrate quantity should be equal to or slightly less than the total protein quantity.

● For example-if total protein quantity needed is 100gm, total carbohydrate may be 90- 100gm.

● The quantity of carbohydrate in a diet can never be zero, minimum of carbohydrate
needed in diet is 90 - 100gm.

2) Muscle gain diet (high in carbohydrate)

● Total carbohydrate quantity should be much higher than the protein quantity.

●The typical P;C ratio 1:3, carbohydrate quantity is three times the protein.

● the total carbohydrate quantity depends on how high is the BMR. Higher the BMR, higher
should be the total carbohydrate quantity.

● The P;C ratio can range between 1:2, 1:3 to 1:4, depending on the BMR. in turn, depends largely on the body type.
For endomorphs on a muscle gain diet.

● Carbohydrate should be moderately high, P;C ratio can 1:2 or 1:3.

●For example - if total protein quantity needed is 100gm, total carbohydrate may be 200gm or 300gm.

● Higher carbohydrate quantity can be excess and remain unused, leading to fat gain greater than muscle gain.
Foe ectomorphs on a muscle diet.

● Carbohydrate should be extremely high P:C ratio can be 1:3 or 1:4.

● For example - if total protein quantity needed is 100gm, total carbohydrate may be 300gm or 400gm.

●Lower carbohydrate quantity will be insufficient and protein will be wasted for energy and will not be enough for muscle growth.

protein Needed for Men and women

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Fat burner pills are safe?

First and foremost we must know what comprises a fat burner pills before we pass judgment on
its safety . most popular and leading of fat burners contain herbal form of

Ephedrine - A sympathomimetic beta - 2 agonist that increases BMR by stimulating the central
nervous system, increasing heart rate and body temperature. Since leading manufacturers of
food supplements are all from the US & Ephedrine is banned in many states in the US, now
products contain synephrine instead of Ephedrine. it is claimed to be a good replacement for
Ephedrine & is derived from the fruit bitter Orange or sour Orange ( Citrus Aurantium )
Ephedrine is derived from a herbal source - Ma huang.

Caffeine - A nervous system stimulant that also has a lipolytic property which means that it
release fat from adipocytes and makes them available to be burnt in the mitochondria of
muscle cells. Caffeine is derived from a herbal source - either Guarana or kola Nut.

Aspirin - A prostaglandin inhibitor. prostaglandins always try and get the elevated body
temperature back to normal and end fat loss via thermo genesis. Hence by blocking the action
of prostaglandins, aspirin actually extends the effective duration of ephedrine and caffeine.

Aspirin or salicylic acid is derived from a hebal source - White Willow Bark.
to say that thay are unsafe would be incorrect, but they do require responsible usage and
unlike supplements like protein powders, they cannot be taken by everyone. People with the
following medical conditions should never even consider taking these pill;
Hypertension, history of any kind of cardiac disorder or strike, Tachycardia or arrhythmia
( Irregular heart beats), People on MAO inhibitors (Anti depressant), Pregnant or lactating women,  Diabetics,  peptic ulcer.
if you are completely healthy, then you can take them according to the dosage prescribed on the bottle, but please know that these pills only make fat burning efforts more effective. but
without fat burning effort such as a strict diet and intense workouts, they cannot work. so if
you are not committed to your diet and workout then taking these pills would be a waste of  money.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Healthy food: Here are 10 Foods That Burn Fat.

Health Tip : Here are 10 Foods That Burn Fat

1. Oats : Its not only tastes great but also reduces your hunger. Oats contains fiber which helps and stabilizes the levels of cholesterol.

2. Eggs : Eggs are the rich sources of proteins and low in calories. Eggs helps us to build the muscles and develops the good cholesterol.

3. Apples : Apples are enriched with powerful antioxidants and other supplements. Most importantly it contains Pectin which helps to reduce the fat cells in the body.

4. Green Chillies : Green chillies contains Capsaicin which helps to develop the body growth cells and burns the calories in quick time.

5. Garlic : Garlic contains Allicin which has anti-bacterial properties helps us to reduce the fat and removes the bad cholesterol.

6. Honey : Honey is the best one to burn fat. Add honey in warm water and take it daily in the early morning.

7. Green Tea : Green Tea is the most effective one which helps you to lose weight. It contains Antioxidants which helps and stabilizes our body weight.Take daily 2 cups of tea for a better results.

8. Wheat Grass : It boosts our metabolism and helps to reduce the fat.

9. Tomatoes : Tomatoes helps us to burn the fat in quick time. It also helps us to stay away from cancer. So Take tomatoes in your diet regularly.

10. Dark Chocolate : Dark chocolate contains Flavonoids, anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood. It boost the growth of serotonin in the blood and also burns the fat.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Protein requirement

Total Quantity of Protein
Protein is needed for muscle repair.
Hence , the quantity of protein needed will depend on
1. Amount of muscle mass (lean body mass or LBM) in the body and
2. Amount of muscle breakdown caused by weight training (depends on intensity of the weight training)
it does not depend on the fitness goal fat loss or muscle gain.
in an accurate diet plan calculated by a nutritionist, the protein would be calculated based on the
person's lean body mass (LBM) and then the intensity of the weight training.
But here, for simplicity, body weight is used as an estimate of muscle mass to demonstrate the
calculation of protein quantity. the 'grammage' of protein per kg body weight has also been
modified accordingly.
If body weight is used as an estimate of muscle mass, the protein requirement will be as follows
A) A male weighing 60kg and weight training at intermediate intensity level
Total protein needed (per day) = 60kg x 2 gm/kg = 120gm.
B) ) A male weighing 60kg and weight training at intermediate intensity level
Total protein needed (per day) = 60kg x 1.5 gm/kg = 90 gm.
The above table shows that
Protein requirement increases for an exercising person, and it is greater with higher levels of
weight training intensity.
Males have a higher protein requirement (per kg body weight) they are expected to have
a higher muscle mass than a female with similar training intensity. This is due to the male hormone, testosteroneA nutritionist's calculation of protein requirement will vary from the above as per
1. lean body mass (LBM) will be used for calculation, not body weight, especially for persons with
high body fat%
For example - 200 gm protein (calculated as 2 gm/kg body weight) cannot be given blindly to a 100
kg obese person.
2. Grammage of protein used (gm/kg LBM) will be higher for each intensity level since it is
calculated based on LBM, and not body weight.
3. grammage of protein used (gm/kg LBM) will not change for male and female since the
calculation uses LBM directly.
4. protein quantity may be restricted for persons with certain health problem such as liver
kidney or gout problem.
Distribution of protein in each meal.
it is not just enough to supply the total quantity of protein needed by the body. it needs to be given
at regular intervals to sustain muscle repair throughout the day.
since muscle repair (anabolism) is going on continuously day and night in the body, the body
requires protein all the time.
Hence, the total protein required by the body has to be divided equally into all meals throughout
the day.
A typical fat loss or muscle gain diet is based on a 5- meal pattern, with about 3-4 hours gap
between two meals. A great gap can lead to muscle breakdown due to lack of protein and carbohydrates.
Hence, the total quantity of protein needed (per day) has to be divided equally into at least 5 meals.
For example
A) if a 60kg male requires total 120 gm of protein per day
protein quantity (gm) per each the 5 meals - 120 gm = 24-25 gm (to be taken in each meal)
B) if a 60kg female requires total 90 gm of protein per day
protien quantity (gm) per each the 5 meals - 90gm (to be taken in each meal)