
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

how to loss fat

How to loss fat?

Not much people are aware that you can get rid of excess body fat by weight training. And certainly they don't know how to do it the correct way. There was a time that weight lifting was associated with building muscle mass, something for underground bodybuilders. Times are changing and all respectable fitness trainers would agree with me "no fat loss plan without weight training". Just like anything you do in your life you have to take action but if you have the right information you are already a big step further.

Cardio and good nutrition are not enough

Having a good nutrition plan and doing effective fat burning cardio training exercises are vital for your fat loss success but it is not enough. Ninety five percent of diets fail because you lose muscles and lean body mass. You absolutely need muscles to burn fat off. Weight training is not only the best but also the only way to keep your muscles while you are dieting. You don't read this too much in magazines or on the internet simply because it takes effort from your side and easy and fast sells more. Weight training is essential for a fat loss programme but training like a bodybuilder is not necessary unless you want to become one.

Your time and weight training

Whether you like it or not weight training will "cost" you time. But today everybody is very busy and run out of time fast. Even the most successful people on earth have the same 168 hours in a week just like you and me. People who are lean and stay lean have made training a priority in their life. You always make the most time for the most important things in your life. For some people this is television, reading and for other fitness training. Some people are setting their alarm clock at five a clock in the morning this way the can make time to work on their lean body and on the other side they have still time enough to do their jobs and to spend time on their family an friends.

Training duration and reps

An ideal weight training workout should last between thirty and forty five minutes. Doing workouts longer than an hour is not a good idea at all. Long workouts exhaust your endocrine and nervous system. It is recommended that you don't train more then two days in a row. Recovery is very important when you are building muscle mass. Your muscles don't grow during the workout but after the workout but only with the condition if you give them enough time to recover. If you are a beginner start with three training days a week, intermediate can do one day more but even if you are advanced it is not wise to train with weights more then five days per week. I could easily write another ten articles on repetitions alone. But a common rule is if you train with weights to lose fat as your main goals then an amount between 6 and 12 reps is recommended.

I'm sure this article has answered your question on how to lose fat by weight lifting. Keep in mind losing weight training is not "the" solution for your success if you don't combine it with proper nutrition, motivation and cardio it is worthless.

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